Tuesday, October 20, 2009

21 weeks

Here we are at another week!

Ray Ray now weighs 3/4 of a pound and from head to rump is about 10 1/2 inches long, about the length of a carrot.  The little taps I started feeling a few weeks ago have turn into full fledged kicks and nudges.  So much so, that Johnny is feeling them now, which he loves!

This week:

  • I have a pimple the size of Texas on the side of my nose thanks to Ray Ray.  If it didn't go down this morning, I seriously wasn't going to work.  Luckily all of the things I did last night worked!  It's not as big and icky looking. 

  • I get sleepy at the drop of a hat.  Like right now.... ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

  • I'm not sleeping well.  I keep waking up and haven't been able to get to sleep when I want to.  Apparently Ray Ray has nudged their head into my left side wants to stay there.  I didn't know the baby was that high!  At the ultrasoound, I'm like "Why are you putting the thingy that far up?"  Apparently that's where the baby's head was.  Doesn't make for comfortable left-side sleeping position.

I must tell you this.  There is this guy I work with...  When he first found out I was pregnant, he would call me "Little Mama".  He would say things like "Good morning Little Mama!"  "Hey, Little Mama!"  I actually liked that, especially the little part.  But these days, he'll say, "Hey, Lit...Hey Mama!"  He's been cutting the Little part short.  What's up with that?

The kids I work with, seem to think Ray Ray is a girl.  What say you?