Thursday, October 29, 2009

22 weeks

I know I'm two days late on this update, but here you go anyway!

Ray Ray is at 11 inches and almost 1 lb.  Our baby was starting to look like a miniature newborn!  The lips, eyelids and eyebrows are becoming more distinct and there are toothbuds there too!

We had our monthly appointment today.  Very good news all around!  Ray Ray is right where he/she should be, looks good, feels good, and sounds good!  She told me I can cruise on in!  And Lord willing, that's what we'll do!

What's going on this week??

  • I've not started a registry or bought a thing yet.  I think I'm overwhelmed.  Johnny and I went to a store and walked through the baby section and after about a minute, we ran away!  There's so much to know and use, and know how to use!  I'll try it again soon.  I promise!  I have been looking online though, I have narrowed down the crib at least, I think.  The travel system, totally different story.  Moving on before I stress myself out.

  • The baby is kicking, a lot!

  • I'm tired and sleepy.  What else is new!  I've overslept at least twice this week.

See you next week!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Snippets

What's going on?  It's Monday!  I know, I know... It was a long day for me too.  Luckily I was able to take a nap today for the first time in a long time!!!

We took a quick trip home this weekend.  I mean, a quick trip!  For the family and folks I wasn't able to see while we were home, no worries!  We'll be back for Thanksgiving and for a longer stay!  The highlight of our quick trip?  Getting to hang out with  my niece Acayla before we left Sunday morning!  She's so funny and has so much 'tude!  No idea where she gets that from!

Check out those pearly whites!

Stewie had to get in the photo

Check us out! 
Kayla wanted in on some belly rubbing fun!
And of course, Stewie couldn't be left out!  Rub those bellies!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

21 weeks

Here we are at another week!

Ray Ray now weighs 3/4 of a pound and from head to rump is about 10 1/2 inches long, about the length of a carrot.  The little taps I started feeling a few weeks ago have turn into full fledged kicks and nudges.  So much so, that Johnny is feeling them now, which he loves!

This week:

  • I have a pimple the size of Texas on the side of my nose thanks to Ray Ray.  If it didn't go down this morning, I seriously wasn't going to work.  Luckily all of the things I did last night worked!  It's not as big and icky looking. 

  • I get sleepy at the drop of a hat.  Like right now.... ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

  • I'm not sleeping well.  I keep waking up and haven't been able to get to sleep when I want to.  Apparently Ray Ray has nudged their head into my left side wants to stay there.  I didn't know the baby was that high!  At the ultrasoound, I'm like "Why are you putting the thingy that far up?"  Apparently that's where the baby's head was.  Doesn't make for comfortable left-side sleeping position.

I must tell you this.  There is this guy I work with...  When he first found out I was pregnant, he would call me "Little Mama".  He would say things like "Good morning Little Mama!"  "Hey, Little Mama!"  I actually liked that, especially the little part.  But these days, he'll say, "Hey, Lit...Hey Mama!"  He's been cutting the Little part short.  What's up with that?

The kids I work with, seem to think Ray Ray is a girl.  What say you?

Monday, October 19, 2009

We saw Ray Ray!!

We finally had our ultrasound today! Such a quick appointment, but we saw what we needed and wanted to see! Here's Ray Ray!!

And here's Ray Ray again!!

It was such an awesome moment. Ray Ray's arms were hanging out by the head and the feet were kinda up there too. Already in love!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

20 weeks!!!

We are halfway there people!

And yeah, I don't know what's going on with my hand in that picture. It's hard taking self photos!!

This week, Ray Ray weighs about 10 oz, and is developing the layers of her skin. She is also practicing swallowing, and is digesting, which is producing the lovely meconium that we will experience along with the first diaper change. Good to know, right?

So what do I have going on this week?

** leg cramps at night. Super annoying.
** Headaches here and there.

This has been a blessed pregnancy thus far, and I hope it continues that way! Except for that awful bout with morning sickness, I can't complain.

I've been focused on having a stress-free pregnancy and on making good choices for our growing family. Even my students are focused on my health. One day this past week, they were getting on my nerves (by giving me every answer but the right one!). One of my students said, "Let's get it right, we are stressing Ray Ray out!" I could have hugged him, except for the fact that he seems to always have a nasty cold.

Speaking of colds and making good choices... About this swine flu. I'm thinking that I will not get the vaccination. They have yet to test it on pregnant women, and are basically just waiting to see how many miscarraiges happen before they can give an accurate view of its results. In terms of the regular flu shot... the jury is still out on that one to. I've never taken one, and I've only had the flu once as an adult... that I know of. I've got to think a little more on that one.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Musings

Here's what I have going on today!!!

** Got my hair done over the weekend. Yeah, I got it straightened and yes I'll post a pic. He cut a few inches off. A few years ago, I would have been very upset at that. But no big deal. It's all in the name of healthy hair.

It was humid that night, so the folks at the salon pinned it up.

And here I am the next day. Not a good pic, because we were in a rush, heading out.. but here you go..

** It's my day off! Yay! It's raining outside. Boo. But I had no other plans but other than sitting around rubbing my belly anyway! HAHAHA!!!

** Johnny has a root canal on Wednesday. He's a little stressed about it (Shh!Don't tell him I said anything!), so please do keep him in your prayers.

I think that's it for now. Make it a great Monday!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bringing the Word Wednesday!

Love God! Love People! Prove it!

That our church motto. So we were able to put it to the test this past Sunday. We held a rally at one of the shelters for the victims and volunteers of the flood. We served breakfast and provided carnival-like activities for the children staying there. And of course our Pastor shared a word as well.

What a great day!


19 weeks

How am I?

Tired! Luckily that's my only uncomfortable symptom this week. Oh, and a few headaches here and there.
The baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. She's tapping me more often, trying to let me know that she's there.

Why am I saying she? First, we still don't know the sex. And we didn't have our ultrasound last week. They rescheduled it for next week. I'm saying "she" because I've been saying "he" and Johnny had been saying "she". We've switched up for the month of October, so I'm now saying she.

But at our last appointment, the heartbeat apparently registered at a girl's rate. I think that's an old wives tale. We shall see!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sleepy, tired

That is all.