Wednesday, October 7, 2009

19 weeks

How am I?

Tired! Luckily that's my only uncomfortable symptom this week. Oh, and a few headaches here and there.
The baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. She's tapping me more often, trying to let me know that she's there.

Why am I saying she? First, we still don't know the sex. And we didn't have our ultrasound last week. They rescheduled it for next week. I'm saying "she" because I've been saying "he" and Johnny had been saying "she". We've switched up for the month of October, so I'm now saying she.

But at our last appointment, the heartbeat apparently registered at a girl's rate. I think that's an old wives tale. We shall see!