Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can a Working Mom practice Attachment Parenting?

That was my question as I pondered this parenting style and the undeniable fact that I was returning to work.  Nonetheless, I was determined to make it work!

As a teacher/educator, I have the benefit of added in breaks to my work schedule.  Due to the fact that Harper was born via (emergency) c-section, this afforded me 8 weeks as opposed to 6 weeks of maternity leave.  And my maternity leave ended right before Spring break, so I had 9 wonderful uninterrupted weeks with my girl!  I was a babywearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding junkie!  And I loved every minute of it!  As did Harper.  Due to her small size at birth, I definitely wanted to do everything I could to ensure her health and development stayed on track.

Then came the dreaded day that I had to go back to work.  I had to make sure everything was in place for my girl and our style.  I found a great caregiver.  When I started back to work, I came with breast pump in-tow!  Fortunately, my position and schedule allowed me to sneak away at leaast twice a day to pump.  My body certainly had to adjust to the new schedule.  When it was time to pump, boy was I ready!!!

When we got home, it was babywearing and breastfeeding time!  This allowed my girl and I to reconnect and allowed us to maintain our bond.

Almost a month after I went back to work, a wonderful thing happended... SUMMER BREAK!  Two more months of time with my girl. 

Now my high needs baby is a high needs toddler (different blog post for a different day!).

Yes, you can work and practice attachment parenting.  Work to achieve the right balance for you and your family.  And enjoy the ride!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Time management

I've got to get better!  I want to blog, be an awesome mom and Teacher of the Year (well, pretty darn close).  But how to do it all?  How are other working mommies doing it?