Monday, April 26, 2010

Put that baby down!!

My sitter thinks that Harper is spoiled. “Put that baby down” she tells me. “You’re spoiling her”. That statement has been on my mind all week. So, by being a responsive parent, I’m spoiling my child. I’m confused. Am I supposed to just sit here and watch my baby cry? I will concede that she is very particular. She likes being held in a certain way. She almost refuses to sleep in her bassinet, so getting her to take a nap is no easy task. To her, being swaddled is like being held in a straight jacket. She tries her best to break free and almost always succeeds! I love holding her, wearing her in our Moby Wrap. Is that spoiling her or helping her to feel secure and loved? I’ll take the latter. What say you?


lulusparrow said...

I'm glad you touched on this! My MIL told me with both of my children to "leave them alone u don' t want them getting to use to the arms" my DH and I always talk about the very fine line between spoiling and neglect. I would rather go close to spoiling.