Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Musings

Well, welll, well!!  Look who we have here!  It's me!  I'm  back again!

Geesh, it's been a minute!!  Being a working mom is something else!  But I'm going to TRY to blog more.  I've got to document our family happenings!

Let's see...

  • Harper's almost a year old!!  Next Wednesday as a matter of fact!  Can you believe it?  Time passes so quick!
  • She began walking a little bit before 11 months.  She's really taking off!
  • She's still a little one, but no worries!  She's just going to be petite for a little bit. 
  • We're attending a new church.  It's going well.  I've joined a women's small group to further our connection to this new community.  I'm looking forward to it actually!
Well that's it for now!! Can't share all the goodness at once!  I'll be back soon.  I promise!!