Wednesday, November 18, 2009

25 weeks!

I know, I know, I missed a week.  I was so tired last week.  It was all I could do to get up, go to work and come home.  Little bit more energy this week, so here I am!

So what's new this week?

  • Ray Ray is about 13 1/2 inches and weighs about a pound and a half.  Apparently the baby is starting to pack on the baby fat, which is just great, because I'm packing it on too!  Awesome! (Can you detect the slight sarcasm?) 
  • Ray Ray is having the time of their life in there!  Non-stop movement and kicks and punches and wiggles.  Fun, especially at night when we are trying to sleep.  Because of course I want Johnny to feel everything, so I'll grab his hand all the time. 
  • Oh!  How's Johnny?  He's good!  He keeps saying he only has 3 more months of quality sleep and wants to maximize every minute of it.  Doesn't help that I always grab his hand to feel Ray Ray!  But he likes it, especially the super punches.
  • Childbirth classes are neat.  We've been to two so far.  Johnny is going to be a great birth coach.  Even now, he reminds me to do my exercises and eat my veggies.  Even though the classes are on Friday, it's such a wonderful way to end the week.
  • Oh! I set up my first registry.  We went to Babies R' Us last week (thanks Sheewayne and Demi!) and spent awhile (ok, a few hours) getting Ray Ray set up!  I've also been on setting up a registry.  I've started an online one at Target, but will go to the store soon to officially set it up.  I will probably hit Baby Depot and Pottery Barn Kids before it's all over.
  • A coworker asked me this today, and so I'll share it here:  My belly button has not begun to poke out..  Thank God.  I've liked having an "innie" all these years.
  • Ok, a friend at church asked this, so I'll share here: No stretch marks yet.  WOOHOOO!!!  Though she did say one day she woke up and BAM, one stretch mark.  She told me to rub cocoa butter and olive oil on my belly.  My first bit of belly advice.  Awesome!
Well, Ray Ray is ready for the nightly workout session... Translation:  "Mommy, go lay down."