Wednesday, November 4, 2009

23 weeks

We're at 23 weeks! Yay!

So what's going on this week?  Ray Ray is having a busy week! Well, I went to my first prenatal yoga class last night.  And I'm so sore today!  Dude, I wasn't ready!  Downward dog is the devil!  My neck, my back, my hips... oh the pain!  Ray Ray was the youngest one there.  The closest preggo there was 26 weeks.  The others were between 30 and 35 weeks.  I think I'll be back next week.  I must conquer the dog!

A prenatal swim class I found starts tomorrow.  Slight problem with that.  I don't have a preggo bathing suit!  I have the two piece numbers I wore in St. Martin this summer, but not sure if that's going to work.  We'll see.

Our birthing class starts this Friday.  Looking forward to learning more and meeting other preggos!

How's Ray Ray?  Kicking (and punching) up a storm! Especially right now!