Monday, June 14, 2010

My Granddaddy is gone

It's taken awhile for me to write this post.  I guess by actually writing it, it becomes more real.  I don't want it to be real.  He's been gone a little over a month.  Everyone felt like their relationship with him was special, as if they were his favorite.  My relationship with Granddaddy WAS special.  He was like a 2nd dad!  I grew up four houses down from my grandparents.  We were over there almost everyday!  Anytime something happened in our lives, we went down the street to share!  If it was a great thing, like an A on a report card it was twice the congradulations.  If it were not so great, then it was twice the you know what.

My mom's relationship with Granddaddy was truly special.  Even as an adult, she would come over and get in the bed with her parents.  I didn't know any different, so I'd climb right on in and find a spot too!  So on any given day, you'd find us in the bed talking, laughing or sleeping!  I'm going to miss that. I'm going to miss our talks and the countless lectures advice he gave..  At his funeral, it was said we all have a piece of him.  I want all of him!  This is so hard!

On the day I left for college, I received another tid bit of advice.  He said, "Make good choices, Sheriss".  That statement has followed me every day of my life since then.  He wanted so much for his family.  I'm going to do my best to honor him by continuing to do my best to make good choices for my self and my growning family.

I miss you Granddaddy!