- Ray Ray is 2 1/2 pounds and has moved into this weird position. Now I feel Ray Ray really low, but at the same time, sorta high. I can't explain it.
- Ray Ray and my organs are competing for space now. My bladder is being squeezed! How do I know? I have this urge to go all the time but only a little comes. Awesome right?
- I'm quite itchy these days. Mostly my thighs, arms and back. Surprisingly, not my stomach. Quite annoying at night.
- Sleeping is ok. Johnny and I are practicing our relaxation techniques, so that especially helped a few nights ago. I slept so good! Last night, not so much. Itch city!
- Our birthing clas is coming along. I think we are almost halfway through the classes.
- I'm tired these days, so if this post doesn't make a while lot of sense, I do apologize... well, not really! Good night!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
29 weeks
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
28 weeks
Thought I'd start off with a little comparison....
Apparently I've gotten a little bigger. Just a tad. I thought I was sooo pregnant at week 18!
- The baby weighs a bit over 2 pounds right now. It's a busy, busy baby! Moving all around and kicking us all the time! I love it!
- Researching cloth diapers these days. I'm loving the prefolds. Green Mountain prefolds seem to be a good company. Prefolds do need covers and I like the look of Bummis and Thirsties. I think I registerd for those on Amazon.com. Here's a neat video of a prefold diaper in use:
- I like FuzziBunz pocket diapers too. There are so many options, it's hard to narrow it down! So it will be trial and error for us.
- Back pain all the time now. Fun.
- I've got a clear linea negra now. Looks funny.
- Everytime I say something crazy at work, my coworkers accuse Ray Ray of acting up again. They blame it on the baby. I just try to laugh everyday. Keeps us moving!
- Finally set up a registry at Baby Depot, in addition to Babies R' Us and Target.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday Musings
- I'm so ready to go home. I need a vacation! And the need is great to be around folks who love me. {{{HUGS}}} everyone!
- Though I am a Florida State alumn, I was very bummed that Florida lost on Saturday. Not a fan of Alabama at all. But in other college football news, Georgia Tech is the ACC champion. Woohoo! Go Yellow Jackets! We actually went to one of their games a few weeks ago. Fun times!
- I'm into cooking "make ahead" meals this week. I made a vegetarian tetrazzini tonight. Mmm, tasty. Tomorrow, I'll make a squash casserole. Of course, I'm freezing half of each recipe to eat later. Smart, I know :)!
- I finally got a GPS system for the car. Now I'm constantly thinking of places to go, so I can use it. Haven't used it yet. Seriously considered using it to go to the grocery store, even though it's right across the street. Shut up.
- You're never to old to make a Christmas list. Don't worry, I'll be posting my list in a few days!
- Don't know if I mentioned it last week, but Johnny cut his hand pretty badly last week. Needed 3 stitches. Thanks to the doctor's and my help, he is healing nicely!
- I really want to go see the movie Avatar. If you didn't know it before, I'm sort of a Sci Fi girl. But also looking forward to Disney's The Frog Princess. I've been waiting for that movie all of my life!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
27 weeks
Here we are again! Another week!
- We had an appointment this week. All is well with Ray Ray! Me, on the other hand... that's a different story. Ray Ray weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with legs extended. The baby is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing their eyes, and perhaps even sucking their fingers. At least that's what babycenter says.
- Ray Ray is moving a lot! Feeling the movement down low a lot. They said it was ok at our appointment, so no worries!
- I have a cold/sinus infection. Started with scratchy throat last Wednesday night and now it's stuffy nose city! Ick! And of course I can't take a thing! So it's been all about lemon/honey/water and Vick's vapor rub. Oh yeah.
- How could I forget! I took the 1 hour Gestational Diabetes test yesterday. It was the nastiest juice I've ever had to drink. I hope I don't have to repeat that anytime soon! They said no news is good news, so let's hope we don't hear from the office this week!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friendships and Pregnancy
Let's keep it real (as I always do!), friendships do change over the course of your life. And boy do I know this! From leaving high school, to going to and graduating from college and grad school, friends have come and go. I have been through it. Some hurt more than others. Getting married can change friendships and egad, getting pregnant can change your relationships. I knew this and was somewhat prepared for it this go 'round. It's still surprising nonetheless.
It doesn't have to be like that all the time. Life changes don't have to spell the end of relationships you value. My best friend Iman and I have known each other forever and experienced many life changes together. And she's still here! I'm soooo thankful for her friendship. Love her!
A friendship that both Johnny and I are blessed to share is our friendship with Kenny! We (really Johnny) worried about telling him, for fear that he'd drop us like it was hot and keep it moving. Quite the contrary! According to Kenny, this baby is all of ours and we are in this together! From day one he has embraced the idea of us being pregnant and has been a huge fan of Ray Ray. He even came up with the name Ray Ray! And we finally asked him tonight would he serve as Ray Ray's godfather and he jumped at the chance! I can't think of a better person to help us guide Ray Ray's development. He's going to be an awesome godfather. Love you too, Kenny!
Luckily, most friendships — especially the strong ones — can endure even the most trying of life changes.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Be Thankful
Happy Turkey Day!
Can't wait to eat later! Yum, yum, yum!!
You know I have to take time out to reflect on things and be thankful, so here we go. I'm thankful for:
- The baby growing inside me
- That fact that the baby is healthy, active, and working hard everyday at preparing to be born
- My health! My body is doing a lot a work these days and I'm grateful for the opportunity. I definitely don't take it for granted.
- My husband. I couldn't have asked for a more loving man. Johnny, you rock. Thanks for doing the dishes today, dude!
- A caring family
- For a new, growing church family
- For the tasty, if not tiny, glass of eggnog I just enjoyed.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
26 weeks!!!
So Ray Ray is about a pound and two-thirds and measures about 14 inches.
This week:
- We're 3 weeks into our Bradley Method classes. It's lots of info, but I'm sure everything we're learning is going to come in really handy. I'm still looking around at the other moms and comparing bellies. Interesting group of folks.
- I think I had a Braxton Hicks yesterday. All I know was it was a weird cramp. Didn't last long though.
- The kicks have been getting pretty hard. And Ray Ray still moves like crazy, right before it's time for me to go to bed. Yesterday, Johnny saw my stomach jump. Weird!
- Bathroom trips? Every two-three hours. Fun.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday Musings
Well Happy Monday!
Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I'm planning our menu. We will probably go up to Sheewayne's (if they stay in town). But we want to have a little bit of something here as well. So back to the menu. I've been looking for this macaroni and cheese recipe I'd used a few times before and can't for the life of me find it! Boo! I hope to find it soon!
But here's what I'm thinking so far
Mac N Cheese
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
25 weeks!
So what's new this week?
- Ray Ray is about 13 1/2 inches and weighs about a pound and a half. Apparently the baby is starting to pack on the baby fat, which is just great, because I'm packing it on too! Awesome! (Can you detect the slight sarcasm?)
- Ray Ray is having the time of their life in there! Non-stop movement and kicks and punches and wiggles. Fun, especially at night when we are trying to sleep. Because of course I want Johnny to feel everything, so I'll grab his hand all the time.
- Oh! How's Johnny? He's good! He keeps saying he only has 3 more months of quality sleep and wants to maximize every minute of it. Doesn't help that I always grab his hand to feel Ray Ray! But he likes it, especially the super punches.
- Childbirth classes are neat. We've been to two so far. Johnny is going to be a great birth coach. Even now, he reminds me to do my exercises and eat my veggies. Even though the classes are on Friday, it's such a wonderful way to end the week.
- Oh! I set up my first registry. We went to Babies R' Us last week (thanks Sheewayne and Demi!) and spent awhile (ok, a few hours) getting Ray Ray set up! I've also been on Amazon.com setting up a registry. I've started an online one at Target, but will go to the store soon to officially set it up. I will probably hit Baby Depot and Pottery Barn Kids before it's all over.
- A coworker asked me this today, and so I'll share it here: My belly button has not begun to poke out.. Thank God. I've liked having an "innie" all these years.
- Ok, a friend at church asked this, so I'll share here: No stretch marks yet. WOOHOOO!!! Though she did say one day she woke up and BAM, one stretch mark. She told me to rub cocoa butter and olive oil on my belly. My first bit of belly advice. Awesome!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
23 weeks
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday Musings
Thursday, October 29, 2009
22 weeks
I've not started a registry or bought a thing yet. I think I'm overwhelmed. Johnny and I went to a store and walked through the baby section and after about a minute, we ran away! There's so much to know and use, and know how to use! I'll try it again soon. I promise! I have been looking online though, I have narrowed down the crib at least, I think. The travel system, totally different story. Moving on before I stress myself out.
The baby is kicking, a lot!
I'm tired and sleepy. What else is new! I've overslept at least twice this week.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday Snippets
What's going on? It's Monday! I know, I know... It was a long day for me too. Luckily I was able to take a nap today for the first time in a long time!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
21 weeks
I have a pimple the size of Texas on the side of my nose thanks to Ray Ray. If it didn't go down this morning, I seriously wasn't going to work. Luckily all of the things I did last night worked! It's not as big and icky looking.
I get sleepy at the drop of a hat. Like right now.... ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
I'm not sleeping well. I keep waking up and haven't been able to get to sleep when I want to. Apparently Ray Ray has nudged their head into my left side wants to stay there. I didn't know the baby was that high! At the ultrasoound, I'm like "Why are you putting the thingy that far up?" Apparently that's where the baby's head was. Doesn't make for comfortable left-side sleeping position.
The kids I work with, seem to think Ray Ray is a girl. What say you?
Monday, October 19, 2009
We saw Ray Ray!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
20 weeks!!!
We are halfway there people!
And yeah, I don't know what's going on with my hand in that picture. It's hard taking self photos!!
This week, Ray Ray weighs about 10 oz, and is developing the layers of her skin. She is also practicing swallowing, and is digesting, which is producing the lovely meconium that we will experience along with the first diaper change. Good to know, right?
So what do I have going on this week?
** leg cramps at night. Super annoying.
** Headaches here and there.
This has been a blessed pregnancy thus far, and I hope it continues that way! Except for that awful bout with morning sickness, I can't complain.
I've been focused on having a stress-free pregnancy and on making good choices for our growing family. Even my students are focused on my health. One day this past week, they were getting on my nerves (by giving me every answer but the right one!). One of my students said, "Let's get it right, we are stressing Ray Ray out!" I could have hugged him, except for the fact that he seems to always have a nasty cold.
Speaking of colds and making good choices... About this swine flu. I'm thinking that I will not get the vaccination. They have yet to test it on pregnant women, and are basically just waiting to see how many miscarraiges happen before they can give an accurate view of its results. In terms of the regular flu shot... the jury is still out on that one to. I've never taken one, and I've only had the flu once as an adult... that I know of. I've got to think a little more on that one.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday Musings
Here's what I have going on today!!!
** Got my hair done over the weekend. Yeah, I got it straightened and yes I'll post a pic. He cut a few inches off. A few years ago, I would have been very upset at that. But no big deal. It's all in the name of healthy hair.
It was humid that night, so the folks at the salon pinned it up.
And here I am the next day. Not a good pic, because we were in a rush, heading out.. but here you go..
** It's my day off! Yay! It's raining outside. Boo. But I had no other plans but other than sitting around rubbing my belly anyway! HAHAHA!!!
** Johnny has a root canal on Wednesday. He's a little stressed about it (Shh!Don't tell him I said anything!), so please do keep him in your prayers.
I think that's it for now. Make it a great Monday!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Bringing the Word Wednesday!
Love God! Love People! Prove it!
That our church motto. So we were able to put it to the test this past Sunday. We held a rally at one of the shelters for the victims and volunteers of the flood. We served breakfast and provided carnival-like activities for the children staying there. And of course our Pastor shared a word as well.
What a great day!
19 weeks
How am I?
Tired! Luckily that's my only uncomfortable symptom this week. Oh, and a few headaches here and there.
The baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. She's tapping me more often, trying to let me know that she's there.
Why am I saying she? First, we still don't know the sex. And we didn't have our ultrasound last week. They rescheduled it for next week. I'm saying "she" because I've been saying "he" and Johnny had been saying "she". We've switched up for the month of October, so I'm now saying she.
But at our last appointment, the heartbeat apparently registered at a girl's rate. I think that's an old wives tale. We shall see!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Bringing the Word Wednesday!
Fear is overcome by faith...
At our church, we are continuing our Fearless series. This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to hear from Scott Rigsby, a double amputee who completed the Hawaii Iron Man. So amazing to meet him and hear his story, from the accident that took his legs to his incredible physical accomplishments. One thing he told us that really stood out for me is 'Today's unthinkable are tomorrow's realities'. He was able to push past fear in order to achieve his goals. As we were watching his video in the service, watching his legs tap the pavement as he ran, I kept thinking "Why is he all alone? Didn't he have a friend or someone to swim, bike and run along with him?" Then it dawned on me.... Scott wasn't alone.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Week 18
Head to rump, the baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that I'm starting to feel about once a day.
Our ultrasound is Thursday. Exciting!
Nothing much to report other than I'm super tired these days, so I'm off to bed!
Speaking of Names
A long time ago, a friend of ours shared this video with us. Wanted to share with you!
Favorite names?
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Atlanta Flood
It hit the town of Austell (about 20 minutes from Atlanta) the hardest. They're saying 55% of the community is homeless.

Talk to me!
So I like comments! My friend Dominique told me there was something wrong with my comment link on here, so I fixed it! To comment, simply click on the word "comments" at the end of the post. A screen should appear that will enable you to comment.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bringing the Word Wednesday!
Our church is going through a 5 week series call "Fearless: Staring Down Your Inner Wimp". In this series, our pastor is showing us how to Fear Less & Trust God More in every area of our life. He says the truth is that all of us have an unhealthy amount of fear inside of us that we need to stare down and overcome if we are going to fully walk into the purpose and plans of Our God! On the first Sunday of the series, we were to write down a big fear and pin it to the cross as we took communion. Yes, they'd constructed a cross and we used thumb tacks to nail them down. They can do creative things up there sometimes!
We were given a few verses to marinate on, but here's my favorite!
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control.
And a few more for good measure:
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Psalm 56:11
In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do to me.
Matthew 10:28
Don't be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
What are you afraid of? Let it go!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Apparently I'm 17 weeks
I'd like to think I'm in my 18th week and I've completed 17 weeks. Or could I just say that I'm 4 months? In any case, that's how far along I am at this point.
But apparently by now, Ray Ray's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — his/her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. He/She weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and is around 5 inches long from head to bottom. Ray Ray can move his/her joints, and his/her sweat glands are starting to develop.
So, here I am as of today:
Tried to fix the fuzziness, but oh well.
An update for you...
I felt the baby move! It was tapping me from the inside! And then yesterday, if felt like it literally shivered inside! So, being the dork that I am, I shivered too! And, of course, once I told Johnny, he shivered too! He reallywants to feel it move. Hopefully one day soon he will!
Birthday wishes!!
Today's my brother's birthday! Happy Birthday Boy!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Baby Question Post
So, I totally stole this post from one of my pregnancy blog inspirations.
When did you find out?
When we came back from St. Martin. I knew my cycle was supposed to arrive halfway during our trip, on a Sunday. Needless to say, it didn't arrive. I didn't think much of it, as there have been times my cycle likes to change up. That Thursday I bought a pregnancy test at the urging of my BFF (Best Friend Forever) Iman. But I didn't take it until that Saturday morning. (June 27th). It was one of those two lines you are... one line you're not tests. So when two lines came, I just stared at it in disbelief. But I waited 3 whole days to tell Johnny. Why? Well, it was a planned date night for us and I wanted time to plan exactly how to do it.
How did you tell Johnny?
The day before I bought a digital test (it actually says the words pregnant or not pregnant). I also ordered a coconut cake. It's Johnny's favorite! So that evening, when we came back from dinner, we were just watching tv, when I told him I felt like hearing a little Michael Jackson. He'd just passed the week before. So Johnny put on "Lady in My Life"... which was also our first dance song at our wedding. He asked me if I wanted to dance (I knew he would). So after a bit, I told him I'd picked up a card for him at the store earlier. I went to get it and gave it to him. It said something about him being perfect for me. At the end I wrote (You are perfect enough for us... the 'both' of us). His eyes got real big and he said "What?! You're pregnant?" Of course we hugged and kissed... err.. held hands (for Granddaddy!). Then I went to gave him a gift bag. In the bag was the digital pregnancy test, a bib that said "I love Daddy", and a pacifier. He kept staring at the test! Then I pulled out the coconut cake. Gotta love coconut cake! It was a great night!
Was it planned?
Yes and no. We'd talked about starting a family this year, but maybe towards the end of the summer. The first week in June, we went on a last minute trip to New Orleans. Halfway there, we realized we forgot our preferred birth control method (I haven't been on the pill for 5 years).
There was literally a short period of time that we didn't use our method of BC. And that was all it took. I appologize, because I know that will be difficult to read for my friends that are battling with infertility. But it's the honest, unexpected truth.
When did you tell your family and friends?
We told our moms first. We drove home to Tampa either the 2nd or 3rd weekend in July. I was 8 weeks at that point. We'd bought our moms these bags while we were in St. Martin. In my mom's bag was another digital pregnancy test, a bib that said "I love Grandma" and a birthday invitation we'd created that said "You're invited to a birthday party! 7 months from now!" My mom kept clapping her hands and going "Oh!!" In Johnny's mom's bag was the same invitation and bib.
We waited until we were 12-13 weeks to tell the rest of our family and friends. I wanted to come through the first trimester ok. My mom did a great job at keeping her secret!
What were their reactions?
Oh very happy! Although, I hope Uncle Tim, Aunt Sharon, Grandma and Granddaddy forgive us for sitting in their living rooms in July and not saying a word about our pregnancy! Believe me, it was hard!
Will you find out the sex?
No, not until Ray Ray is ready to enter the world.
What sex would you rather?
I'd be happy with either. Although I do refer to Ray Ray as a boy and Johnny refers to Ray Ray as a girl. But, when we first heard the heartbeat, the midwife hinted at a girl!
Do you have names picked out?
Sort of! I think we are pretty set on a girls name for now. We really like Harper Josephine for a girl. I had an awesome student a few years ago named Harper. She was such a sweet, sensitive, intelligent, and funny little girl! I want her middle name to be Josephine, after my dad's mom.
The boy's name is more up in the air. We'd always said we were not going to do another Johnny. But now I don't know. I do know, if there is another Johnny, he will be called by his middle name. So far its:
Johnny Chandler, Johnny Ethan, Ethan Chandler, Johnny Dylan
He's also be Johnny, IV if we were to go with Johnny as a first name.
How are you feeling?
Very happy now that morning sickness has pretty much made its exit. I still get it sometime, often in the evenings, but not as strong and definitely not all day! The headaches are becoming annoying, especially when they begin at work and last all day. Going to the bathroom every 3 hours is oh so much fun. I've been having round ligament pain for the last few weeks. But, for the most part, I'm ok!
Due Date?
February 27-28th
Which means you're how far along?
17 weeks.
Chocolate! I love it! Actually, just finished a bowl of Chocolate Chex Mix cereal. Try it! It will change your life.
Hot drinks. Frozen mixed vegetables.
Weight Gain?
12 pounds at this point. I don't think I want to talk about weight gain anymore.
How are you decorating the nursery?
Well, once we move... I'm thinking green, white and brown right now. That way, if it's a girl, we can easily throw pink accessories into the mix. Kinda like this:
Plus, I love teddy bears!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
What inspires you?
Curious minds need to know. I feel like I lack that these days. Maybe it's just extreme laziness. Whatever it is, I need to get my butt in gear.
I'll tell you what does inspire me... Looking at other pregnancy blogs. One woman literally blogs Monday thru Friday. I can't promise that, but I will try to write more often. And according to Kenny, I need pictures here. So, one day soon, I will post a picture of my week 17 'bump'. I've got a double bump thing going. One below the belly button and one above it.
Off to find more inspiration.
Monday, September 14, 2009
This is what I know...
Our pastor says that all the time when he's getting ready to spit the knowledge. On a side note, very happy we've finally found a church home in Atlanta.
But, here's what I know thus far
- Our ultrasound is coming up in a few weeks. Exciting! However, we won't be finding out the sex of the baby at that time. I know for all of you shoppers out there, this is devasting news. You'll have plenty of time for that. We like the idea of waiting until the day Baby Ray Ray makes his/her entrance into the world to say "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!"
- We will be breastfeeding Ray Ray. Or I'm going to try very hard towards that end. No decision on whether or not Ray Ray will be a vegetarian, but for now, the breast is best!
- We'll be a cloth diapering family! Cloth diapers have come along way over the years, and I'm excited to give the new versions a try!
- Our goal is to have an unassisted birth. No, that does not mean it will be just Johnny and I at home giving the whole labor thing a go. Well, not this time at least! But we'd like to achieve a birth without medical assistance (i.e. epidurals)... anything where a needle is involved. We do know that anything can happen, and will let our birthing team guide us.
Friday, September 11, 2009
See, what had happened was...
I'm going to get better at posting. I promise!
Things are going well. Morning sickness is pretty much gone, thank goodness! I occassionally feel icky in the evenings, but apparently I'm in the honeymoon phase. At least, that's what I read.
We had our second appointment last week. New office, and so far so good. We heard the heartbeat again, and yes, we were grinning like kids, again! It's so neat to hear!
The only thing I'm feeling these days is lost. I feel like I don't know a thing about being pregnant, what I'm supposed to be doing, thinking, feeling. Like, am I supposed to be rubbing a special cream on my belly? I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something, and I'm just not doing it. So, lost is the general feeling these days.
Am I showing? Sometimes I think I am and sometimes I just think it's that extra 10 pounds I've put on. Maybe I'll take a pic and let you be the judge.
Until next time!
Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009
I have these thoughts
I like to call them that, but Johnny thinks they are things I worry about. Here they go so far:
- I'm so freakin' constipated! So, I took a laxative a few days ago. When it eventually started working one night, I thought if I pushed too hard, I'd push little blueberry out. As I look back over this, please know, that I know this is ludacris! But it was a real fear at the time. A very real fear.
- That I'm doing something unbeknownst to me that is harmful to blueberry.
- That I'm not doing something that I'm supposed to be doing right now.
- That I don't know what the heck I'm doing at all!
- That I'll gain back all the weight I lost (40lbs) this past year and more! And that I won't be able to lose it again.
I think that will do for now.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I haven't been to the doctor...
And I have a perfectly good reason!
I love the midwife at my OB/GYN! Love her! When I went to see her in May for my annual appointment, she mentioned to me that she was looking at changing practices. She told me to check her website if I needed her before my next annual. So, yeah I need her now! And she's leaving the practice, but has not provided info on her new practice yet. So, I've called twice to make my initial appointment. Each time, I was told that they were not scheduling anymore appointments for my midwife, but to call back next week for more info. Her last day at this practice is July 31. I'm glad they are providing her time to find a new practice, however, it's not really helping my worry factor right now. The office did tell me that they don't normally see patients until the 8 or 10th week. So, I felt a little better, but then I realized I'm in my 7th week. So it may be August before my first appointment.
I just want to make sure everything is ok so far and that I'm not currently doing something that will harm little blueberry (that's what Johnny and I are calling him/her this week). So the internet has been my best friend these last two weeks and I've become research queen!
But as with anything, the more you learn, the more you know to worry about!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
So, we're pregnant!
Yes, you read right! We've got a little one developing! Or at least we think we do. Haha! More on that later.
But we are pretty sure. Two positive tests tell us so. In addition to me being seriously tired, having out of this world gas, bloating, indigestion and cramping. Let's not forget, little to no appetite (Not sure if that last one is ok). Fun times. At least there's no morning sickness... yet.
How are we feeling? Excited, happy, scared, overwhelmed! But extremely happy and giddy and completely in love with one another!
As of today (according to BabyZone.com), I am 6 weeks, 4 days. So doesn't that technically mean I'm in my 7th week? I'm going with that.
With all of that being said, welcome to our blog! It's our way of keeping our family and friends up to date on the making/growing of our family. Although, technically, no one knows yet. More on that later too. :) So until we spill the beans, this is my personal venting space! I've got so many thoughts and feelings swirling around!