So it's been raining, like a lot. I had no clue as to how bad it was until last Monday morning. I turned on the news and saw school closings. My county wasn't listed so I didn't think much of it until we were told to leave our school building at the end of the day, right after the kids left. You didn't have to tell me twice!! I was outta there!
Here in Atlanta, they call interstates by other names. Very irritating! Why not just say 75 North? Or 285 South? So as I'm on the way home, the guy on the radio says that the North/Southbound Connector is closed at Courtland St. because of flooding and they are having to rescue people from their cars. I just happened to be on the phone with Johnny, so I mentioned it to him. He's says, "Sheriss, get off of the interstate. That's 75/85 North." So I got off and went home through the city.
Luckily we didn't get any damage, though the creek about a mile from us began to rise and totally overtake the parking lot of a business complex.
It hit the town of Austell (about 20 minutes from Atlanta) the hardest. They're saying 55% of the community is homeless.
A great guy we know has started It's national movement to bring hope to the hurting people of Atlanta! If you haven’t seen yet, check it out!

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