Tuesday, December 1, 2009

27 weeks

Here we are again!  Another week!

  • We had an appointment this week.  All is well with Ray Ray! Me, on the other hand... that's a different story.  Ray Ray weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with legs extended. The baby is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing their eyes, and perhaps even sucking their fingers.  At least that's what babycenter says. 
  • Ray Ray is moving a lot!  Feeling the movement down low a lot.  They said it was ok at our appointment, so no worries!
  • I have a cold/sinus infection.  Started with scratchy throat last Wednesday night and now it's stuffy nose city!  Ick!  And of course I can't take a thing!  So it's been all about lemon/honey/water and Vick's vapor rub.  Oh yeah.
  • How could I forget!  I took the 1 hour Gestational Diabetes test yesterday.  It was the nastiest juice I've ever had to drink.  I hope I don't have to repeat that anytime soon!  They said no news is good news, so let's hope we don't hear from the office this week!