Monday, September 21, 2009

The Baby Question Post

So, I totally stole this post from one of my pregnancy blog inspirations.

When did you find out?

When we came back from St. Martin. I knew my cycle was supposed to arrive halfway during our trip, on a Sunday. Needless to say, it didn't arrive. I didn't think much of it, as there have been times my cycle likes to change up. That Thursday I bought a pregnancy test at the urging of my BFF (Best Friend Forever) Iman. But I didn't take it until that Saturday morning. (June 27th). It was one of those two lines you are... one line you're not tests. So when two lines came, I just stared at it in disbelief. But I waited 3 whole days to tell Johnny. Why? Well, it was a planned date night for us and I wanted time to plan exactly how to do it.

How did you tell Johnny?
The day before I bought a digital test (it actually says the words pregnant or not pregnant). I also ordered a coconut cake. It's Johnny's favorite! So that evening, when we came back from dinner, we were just watching tv, when I told him I felt like hearing a little Michael Jackson. He'd just passed the week before. So Johnny put on "Lady in My Life"... which was also our first dance song at our wedding. He asked me if I wanted to dance (I knew he would). So after a bit, I told him I'd picked up a card for him at the store earlier. I went to get it and gave it to him. It said something about him being perfect for me. At the end I wrote (You are perfect enough for us... the 'both' of us). His eyes got real big and he said "What?! You're pregnant?" Of course we hugged and kissed... err.. held hands (for Granddaddy!). Then I went to gave him a gift bag. In the bag was the digital pregnancy test, a bib that said "I love Daddy", and a pacifier. He kept staring at the test! Then I pulled out the coconut cake. Gotta love coconut cake! It was a great night!

Was it planned?

Yes and no. We'd talked about starting a family this year, but maybe towards the end of the summer. The first week in June, we went on a last minute trip to New Orleans. Halfway there, we realized we forgot our preferred birth control method (I haven't been on the pill for 5 years).

There was literally a short period of time that we didn't use our method of BC. And that was all it took. I appologize, because I know that will be difficult to read for my friends that are battling with infertility. But it's the honest, unexpected truth.

When did you tell your family and friends?

We told our moms first. We drove home to Tampa either the 2nd or 3rd weekend in July. I was 8 weeks at that point. We'd bought our moms these bags while we were in St. Martin. In my mom's bag was another digital pregnancy test, a bib that said "I love Grandma" and a birthday invitation we'd created that said "You're invited to a birthday party! 7 months from now!" My mom kept clapping her hands and going "Oh!!" In Johnny's mom's bag was the same invitation and bib.

We waited until we were 12-13 weeks to tell the rest of our family and friends. I wanted to come through the first trimester ok. My mom did a great job at keeping her secret!

What were their reactions?

Oh very happy! Although, I hope Uncle Tim, Aunt Sharon, Grandma and Granddaddy forgive us for sitting in their living rooms in July and not saying a word about our pregnancy! Believe me, it was hard!

Will you find out the sex?

No, not until Ray Ray is ready to enter the world.

What sex would you rather?

I'd be happy with either. Although I do refer to Ray Ray as a boy and Johnny refers to Ray Ray as a girl. But, when we first heard the heartbeat, the midwife hinted at a girl!

Do you have names picked out?

Sort of! I think we are pretty set on a girls name for now. We really like Harper Josephine for a girl. I had an awesome student a few years ago named Harper. She was such a sweet, sensitive, intelligent, and funny little girl! I want her middle name to be Josephine, after my dad's mom.

The boy's name is more up in the air. We'd always said we were not going to do another Johnny. But now I don't know. I do know, if there is another Johnny, he will be called by his middle name. So far its:

Johnny Chandler, Johnny Ethan, Ethan Chandler, Johnny Dylan

He's also be Johnny, IV if we were to go with Johnny as a first name.

How are you feeling?

Very happy now that morning sickness has pretty much made its exit. I still get it sometime, often in the evenings, but not as strong and definitely not all day! The headaches are becoming annoying, especially when they begin at work and last all day. Going to the bathroom every 3 hours is oh so much fun. I've been having round ligament pain for the last few weeks. But, for the most part, I'm ok!

Due Date?

February 27-28th

Which means you're how far along?

17 weeks.


Chocolate! I love it! Actually, just finished a bowl of Chocolate Chex Mix cereal. Try it! It will change your life.


Hot drinks. Frozen mixed vegetables.

Weight Gain?

12 pounds at this point. I don't think I want to talk about weight gain anymore.

How are you decorating the nursery?

Well, once we move... I'm thinking green, white and brown right now. That way, if it's a girl, we can easily throw pink accessories into the mix. Kinda like this:

Plus, I love teddy bears!