Saturday, March 27, 2010

Part 2

Tuesday, February 16
After laboring all night, I just knew I was fully dialated.  Just knew it.  They checked me in the morning and  wouldn't you know it, 1cm.  That sucked.   But then, my mom walked in!  Bright spot in the morning! Now here's where my memory gets fuzzy.  Towards noon, I'm checked again.  1cm.  Good lord!  Why am I not dialating?!  Then my midwife comes in with the bad news.  She wants to give me Pitocin to speed up my labor, in the hopes that I'll dialate more.  Pitocin, you guys, is the devil!  But I handled that bad boy as long as I could!  Then after hours of ridiculous pain and no break in between, I said the dreaded words.. " Give me the epidural".  I hated it, but it had to be done.  I know I could have handled contractions without it, I was doing it!  But that Pitocin?!  Yikes!  So I think I fall asleep then.  During this time apparently the nurse is coming in and checking monitors, checking the baby's heart rate.  Which, apparently, had been going down.  No one thought to clue us in!  Then this random person comes in to take my blood, saying it's routine with C-sections.  Hold on a doggone minute!  No one said anything about a C-section!!  But at this point, my water had been broken for over 40 hours, which isn't good.  So I'm wheeled in, given more drugs and cut open!  When Harper came out, she didn't cry at first.  But I wasn't worried.  Then I heard the faintest cry and my heart melted.  My baby was here!  All 4lbs and 15oz of her!

Harper had a few things to deal with at first.  They felt she'd swallowed her own #2, so they placed her on antibiotics and had an IV going into her little arm.  Then her sugar was low.  She was born at 5:21pm.  After they took her away, I didn't see her again until 9:45.

She stayed in the hospital for a week.  So did I!  So many emotional ups and downs that week, just trying to make sure our daughter was ok.  We learned about blood platelet counts, white blood cell counts, jaundice, and other infections.  But God is good!  Our tiny one came home WITH us that Saturday. 

And wouldn't you know she's been making her presence known ever since?!  And we are soooo in love!