As working moms, we are essentially juggling two careers. It’s at home where our second career begins. Cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring our kids to practices and activities, playing with our children, monitoring homework time. That’s not to mention the work that goes into maintaining a great marriage. Love you honey!
Hey, mama?! RELAX! We don’t have to be perfect or even have to do everything by ourselves, either. There are ways to make your life easier. The less stressed you are, the happier you will be. Happy mama means happy husband and kids.
Here are some ways to help you de-stress after a long day:
- Listen to music, especially smooth jazz. Listen to relaxing music in your car, at work, at home, and anywhere else that you can. It definitely helps ease the transition between work and home. The best part of my day is singing Beyonce’s Love on Top with my too-cute toddler on the way home.
- Set boundaries. For example, you might tell your boss (and certain family members and friends) that you turn your cellphone and computer off after a certain time each night (if you can). Can’t talk! Having fun with my fam!
- Take a minute or two for you. When you reflect on your day, focus on at least one good thing that happened. Oprah and friends will be so proud.
- Get moving! Don’t just flop on the couch (As good as it feels to do it!). Exercise, spend time outside and interact with family and friends to boost production of feel-good hormones. Or if you can (so jealous!), relax by reading, taking a hot shower or engaging in a favorite hobby.
Chat it up with your girlfriends Having one or two friends who understand your struggle is so beneficial! Log on to facebook and talk to us for a minute. Answer our Coffee Break Question of the Day. All of your stress will just go right out the window. I promise you.
How do you de-stress after a long day?