Being the working mom that I am, I've got to make the most out of my time with my little girl. In my mind, I'm really artsy fartsty. But I never seem to make anything worth talking about. So I figure why not involve the little one and implement a weekly craft activity on the weekends. So, went searching for craft ideas and came across this neat website.
The girls (my niece is here this weekend) and I are had fun creating Easter Eggs!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Artsy Fartsy
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Harper turns 1!!
Technically it was almost two months ago, but hey, I like remembering good times!
Customize your own digital collage |
Healthy Me, Healthy Family
So... it's time.
Time to get my butt back in gear and get my body back.
Time to for a change!
Time to stop the excuses and just do it.
I know how to eat well and I know how to lose this baby weight. It's just the exercise factor! I don't have the time! I'm so exhausted in the afternoons/evenings. Plus, I want all the time I can get with my girl! (and my guy!) And as much as I don't wanna do it, hate to do it, just plain dread it... I have to do it....
Wake up at the butt crack of dawn to exercise. And for me, in order to get out of the house and in to work on time, the butt crack of dawn is 4:10... AM!
Well, maybe not that early. Let's see... (working backwards)
6:30 Leave the house to drop off my girl
6:00 Wake her up, get her dressed and ready to go with sippy cup in hand
5:20 Get dressed
5:05 get my lunch, and all other materials ready and waiting by the door
So, 4:10 it is! That allows for me to hit the snooze alarm at least once.
Here we go! Come the butt crack of dawn, it will be me, my Nike's and the little Bobble Head girl on the Turbo Jam videos.
It is time!